We take claims of copyright violation very seriously and will work to protect the rights of copyright owners. The following policy states our Notice and Takedown procedures in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. We will respond to all claims of infringement that are in accordance with the applicable laws.

Notice of Claimed Infringement

To request the removal of any material on the website that you believe is infringing upon your copyright, please submit a notice of the alleged infringement in writing, ensuring that the following information is included:

- Identification of the work that is believed to be infringed, or if multiple works are believed to be infringed, a representative list of those works.

- Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing that includes information about its location sufficiently specific to enable us to locate it.

- Contact information by which you can be contacted that includes your name, your address, your telephone number and, if available, your email address.

- A statement of your good faith belief that the copyrighted material indicated in the complaint is not authorized for use by the owner of the copyright, his/her agent, or the law.

- A statement that you are the copyright owner of the work that is allegedly infringed or that you are an authorized agent of for the copyright owner and that all information laid out in your notice is accurate.

- Your signature, either physical or electronic, or the signature of your authorized representative.

Please be aware that all the information listed above must be included in your notice in order for your notice to be valid.

Notices of claimed infringement should be sent to us by way of our contact form.

Abuse Notification

A claim of copyright infringement that does not meet all the legal requirements leaves the claimant liable for damages, including all court costs and attorney fees. Therefore, please ensure that you do not misrepresent a copyright infringement claim.

Take Down Procedure

It is this website's policy to disable access at any time to any material claimed to be infringing or deemed to be so by facts or circumstances that indicate infringing activity. The accounts of repeat copyright infringers will be terminated, when appropriate. Access to the infringing material will be disabled expeditiously in compliance with the procedures of 17 U.S.C. §512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Modification of Policy

The website reserves the right to revise this policy. All persons affected by this policy are advised to check its contents regularly in order to stay informed of the most up-to-date information.
